Decide Today, Live a Life With No Regrets! | Part Two
Jan 25, 2023I sat at her funeral, memories of our 30 years friendship running through my mind. She was too young to die. Together we have many unfinished plans of preforming on stage for Paul Mitchell. From the discovery of the inoperable tumor on her spine to her passing, she was gone in a matter of weeks. She leaves with me her love of hairdressing, a legacy to continue. Her final request, please play “I hope you Dance” by Lee Ann Womack at the graveside, and Devri, dance.
Yes, we played the song, and yes, we danced. To this day, I keep a photo of my friend with me. It reminds me – “Life is short. Never waste a minute and live with no regrets!”
Live a life you LOVE and create your own "Legacy Tagline"! (The message others share about you and your life - maybe the one line sentence they share when describing you)
IF you know the answer to this question, you are ahead of most of us. If not, now is the time to identify what you want, and to write your own story.
Think of someone you admire who has passed, what do you remember most about that person? What was their greatness? Write down those feelings and stories.
Ask yourself a series of questions, like:
How do I define success?
What do I want out of life?
If I could do or be anything, what would it be?
When I am gone, what do I want written as a Legacy tagline?
From the information you discover in this question activity, create a “Mission Statement” to help you achieve this tagline, memorize it and repeat it daily.
Once you create your life's Legacy Tagline, develop a sense of urgency to become this tagline. Then, act on it, now!
The clock is ticking; If not now... when? What is your greatness? There are two effective ways to achieve greatness
1) Create a Legacy Tagline to live by.
2) Manage your day to day actions for they move you towards your desired outcome.
CLICK HERE for more information on managing your day to day. -- No Regrests - Part One
Here is a list of the top five regrets expressed:
1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
2. I wish I didn’t work so hard.
3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.
* theguardian.com 2/12/12
The above list was collected by nurses around the country as the top five regrets of the dying. Will one of these regrets be yours? The choice is yours, say NO, and “Write Your Own Legacy”!
Live a Life of No Regrets
Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets.
Love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who don’t
and believe that everything happens for a reason.
If you get a chance, take it, if it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said it’d be easy, they only promised it would be worth it.
Decide today, live a life with no regrets!
-Create a life Legacy Tagline
-Identify who you want to become and begin today to Live a Life of Urgency.
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